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Announcement From the SPRC Committee:

The Staff Parish Relations Committee of First United Methodist Church, Shamokin, Pa. is happy to announce the appointment of Rev. Alicia Julia-Stanley as our new pastor effective July 1, 2020.  Pastor Alicia and her family will be moving into our parsonage at the end of June . Bishop Peggy Johnson and her Cabinet are committed to our ministry, especially to the community, by appointing Pastor Alicia.  She states her mission statement is to be a “bridge builder” and she specializes in extending the church outside of the church building into the community.  We look forward to this next chapter and new leadership in the life of our church.

Building Project

At our church meeting on January 5th, we voted to go ahead with the proposed building project to renovate the entrance way to the church. This project will look to repair this nearby 50-ft walkway, turning it into a ramp, and enclosing it. This is a huge undertaking and we need your help! Please consider donating to this project. 

Upcoming Church Events

Upcoming Church Fundraisers
Fall/Winter 2023

Winter/Spring 2024
Community Events
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